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TRUNK or TREAT & Community Dinner
Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 3 pm to 5 pm
Cost: FREE!
As a safe alternative to Trick or Treating, Oak Lawn United
Reformed Church invites the surrounding community to join us
for a afternoon of festivity, candy, and food.
“Trunk or Treat” and Community Cookout is our church-sponsored fall event. People gather and park their cars in the parking lot. They open their trunks, or the backs of their vehicles, and decorate them. Then they pass out candy from their trunks.
The event provides a safe family environment for trick or treaters, the children of our church and community. We can’t wait to meet you!
Where: Oak Lawn United Reformed Church
9350 South 54th Ave (94th St 54th Ave) Oak Lawn
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